A lot has happened since my last post. I haven't played a lot of go these few weeks since I found myself studying Japanese again.
And boy do I have a lot of catching up to do
since I had last been on Smart.fm. I had almost forgotten the service, till I got an email telling me ardesh had started following me there. Btw. ardesh and I have lately been building up a vocabulary, a study goal for go terms there, it's called Go terminology. Smart.fm is a sort of a web-based social flashcard study app, somewhat similar to anki, a desktop app which I also have on my computer, and on my phone too. Japanese is a fun language, if you are interested in learning a new one I suggest try Japanese. Smart.fm and anki/ankidroid can prove useful in studying many languages and other interesting knowledge too. ^^
I also just took the hygiene card course that's required if you want to work in a cafeteria, or to run one. Passed it with flying colors too and thus attained a permit to work in food industry. But still, it sort of raised some questions and doubts about me fitting in with that kind of work. Health issues mainly. I hadn't thought how much it would require dealing with strong detergents and almost constant hand washing. This makes me worry about my skin for it's almost certain to dry up and crack. Well, if it starts acting up I will need to find something else to go on about, right? ;)
So I've been away from KGS and the ASR League for a while. I might still be able to keep myself in the top 14 of Gamma II until stalkor splits the rest into Delta again. Whenever I've been on KGS lately, although being very fond of the chinese fuseki, I've been trying out new stuff. Still have some ideas on my mind I'd like to try. Hmm... I also installed the anDGS client for the Dragon Go Server on my phone a while ago, but I am still a bit hesitant about trying it out online. I think that's a weird feeling but I just can't shake it.
Anyway, tomorrow is another busy day, and I have an appointment for an interview for another course, this time it's a hotel and catering course that should have something to give me insight and knowhow for establishing the café. I think I also need a place to get some practice from. So now that I'm licensed to work in café's I'll most likely begin asking places for a trainee's spot too.
So it seems that I still need to learn things, on and off the goban. This is life after all. Now, I think I'm a bit too tired today to try playing a game, but maybe tomorrow, when all the dust has settled will I play again. I hope I can see you then! ^^ Have nice games!
European Go Congress, Toulouse, worse results.
Since I last wrote I have played seven games, and only won one. I am not
exactly happy about it, but it was not quite as bad as it sounds. On Friday
I play...
7 months ago
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