Sunday, 6 June 2010

It could have been better.

I seriously need to learn to fight, my ability read isn't getting better if I always feel scared like I did in this game. Ultimately, there were several holes I left for the opponent to exploit just by playing overly cautious game and not having guts to attack where it would have counted. From the very first moves I caved in and saw black gaining major influence while my own grew smaller and smaller.

I spare the commentary, since this was such a embarrassing match. Ok, the guy I played against was strong, but yes even he did leave openings, though shamefully I never even tried to go after them. Not like I even saw them in game. Yeah, and B2 was scary when I realized it reading the comments after the game, I wonder why black didn't use it to his advantage.

There's a saying though according which a loser gains more than the winner. So maybe I did. We can hope so.

Here's the game:

(W) AmbyR00 16k vs. (B) AkinfeevK 2k

RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1500]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]
PW[AmbyR00]PB[AkinfeevK]WR[16k]BR[2k]DT[2010-06-05]PC[The KGS Go Server at]C[AkinfeevK [2k\]: hi gl
AmbyR00 [16k\]: hi... have a nice one :)
AkinfeevK [2k\]: ASR League
;B[pd]BL[1483.432]C[AmbyR00 [16k\]: ASR League
;B[pq]BL[1481.364]C[more [5k\]: )))))))))))
;B[jp]BL[1476.593]C[more [5k\]: ща 16к мочить будет)
;W[dr]WL[1462.074]C[Agzam [-\]: (
;B[mo]BL[1317.316]C[H2SO5 [1d\]: what's this contact
;B[on]BL[1312.404]C[asm [6k\]: whats this contact ?
H2SO5 [1d\]: o5
asm [6k\]: hi play vs 16k..
;B[rg]BL[1308.761]C[asm [6k\]: just dont care maybe
;B[ri]BL[1294.651]C[asm [6k\]: *he
;B[hn]BL[1165.343]C[H2SO5 [1d\]: b2 is like an invitation
;B[]BL[876.557]TW[fa][ga][ha][ia][ja][eb][gb][hb][ib][jb][fc][hc][jc][gd][hd][id][jd][kd][ie][je][jf][jg][kg][kh][lh][mi][mj][oj][lk][mk][nk][qk][rk][sk][kl][ml][nl][rl][dm][em][fm][dn][en][bo][co][do][eo][ap][cp][ep][aq][bq][cq][dq][ar][cr][as][bs]TB[aa][ba][ma][na][oa][pa][qa][ra][sa][ab][bb][mb][nb][ob][pb][qb][rb][sb][ac][bc][oc][pc][rc][sc][ad][bd][od][qd][sd][ae][be][ce][ee][oe][pe][qe][re][se][af][bf][cf][ef][of][pf][qf][sf][ag][bg][dg][eg][fg][gg][og][pg][qg][sg][ah][bh][ch][dh][eh][fh][hh][ai][bi][ei][fi][gi][hi][aj][fj][hj][ak][al][in][pn][io][jo][ko][lo][po][qo][ro][so][hp][ip][kp][lp][mp][np][op][pp][qp][rp][sp][gq][iq][jq][kq][lq][mq][nq][oq][qq][rq][sq][gr][hr][ir][jr][kr][lr][mr][nr][or][pr][qr][rr][sr][fs][gs][hs][is][js][ks][ls][ms][ns][os][ps][qs][rs][ss]C[AmbyR00 [16k\]: thank you
AkinfeevK [2k\]: thanks
AmbyR00 [16k\]: whew... I feel strained :)
AkinfeevK [2k\]: ))
AmbyR00 [16k\]: hmm...
AmbyR00 [16k\]: anyone want to go over this with me? :)

I'll be on KGS today night, hoping to play at least a couple of league games. See you there! /gg ^^

Update: Didn't have a chance to play even one. Maybe it's just a good thing, since I am a bit sleep deprived after last night. I was caught up arguing politics in the Middle East. So I've not slept too much. I'll be heading to bed now, so I can recoup a bit.

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